Drop Thought Kids


Dear Adults,

If you are around kids then you most likely have caught yourself in a moment of desperatly trying to impart wisdom only to realise that they are gone and no longer listening. They may have asked a question and managed to listen to the first few minutes of your answer but then their attention has veered to something else...anything else. And as an adult, there may well be some key and very important details or life skills we really want children to get and understad yet...the eye roll tells us they are not truly interested.  The truth is, that one of the fastest ways to kill a lesson is by telling kids what to think. With all the best intentions in the world, parents and teachers, can interfere with learning. We direct it, hurry it along, and insist upon it but what if the tools we desired our kids to have in life could be obtained organically? Dropping in big ideas with no specific learning intention can expose children to life tools while creating the confidence to think without pressure. It can expose them to new situations and reduce the fear of differences. It can open a world of 'wonders' and generate a community to be proud of. 


I don’t like being wrong…do you?

By Kim Gillingham I am a person that knows very little. I believe that information is constantly changing, there is always room for improvement, and that my ideas will not necessarily match others. I’m open to “being wrong” and yet, I don’t like it. As an adult, I’m able to wrap my head around the

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I wonder…are streaks enhancing or impairing our kids’ friendships?

By Kim Gillingham For all you Duolingo fans out there you may have succumbed to the challenge of ensuring your streak is maintained. Admittedly, I did.  I thought I was doing a great thing by encouraging my daughter to maintain her streak on Duolingo to ensure her daily language practise.  In fact, I saw it

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What and Why of Critical Thinking. What is Critical Thinking?

The What and How of Critical Thinking

By Kim Gillingham   Why Encourage Critical Thinking?   It is important to understand that intelligence and critical thinking are not the same thing. Intelligence is the ability to learn and acquire knowledge and to form judgements based on reason and opinions. It’s affected by each persons mental processing power and ability to move information

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DNA – Why I Look Like Me!

Book Passage:   Zuri leant in again and slowly said, “Well, I’m glad to say that I don’t look like my brothers but I do look a bit like my mum. You don’t  really look like yours.” I peered closer. That was true. I’m from China and Mum from England. I was adopted so my

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Drop Thought Kids is designed to increase the confidence of our children to wonder and think critically. Occasionally, however, there is need to discuss real life concerns with other adults. If you too are interested in staying up to date on these ideas or joining the conversation, please join the email list below and help to open the conversation.