Exploring Possibilities Encouraging Conversation Confidence to Wonder Harnessing Skills Opening & Sharing Arriving at solutions
This Year...Invest in Minds. Inspire Greatness.
Hands-on workshops and resources designed to increase confidence and critical thinking skills
in an age impacted by advancing technologies.
The Power of Critical Thinking

Whether we embrace the advances in technology or not, their influences are here. And for many parents and teachers who may not have grown up with the same impact of social media or the speed of research, it can be an uncomfortable place to navigate. For truth be told, we are not fully aware of how this exposure to technology will impact our kids or society. What we do know is that there are both positive and negative influences that are best counter-balanced with our unique and innate human touch.
With modern insights into how the brain works we can better understand how learning takes place and how bias and perceptions can be reduced when decision-making. By exploring how the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) allows us to self-regulate our thinking and extend our executive functions, we can further develop our multidimensional, flexible and creative thinking. Skillsets unique to humans.
In a sped-up world of instant gratification and increased depression, teaching our kids to pause and notice wonder can enhance their emotional well-being as well as encourage curiosity and compassion. Mix that with introducing something new to consider or experience and we can activate the memory centers of the brain which are so vital in learning and connecting new information.
Thinking about thinking (metacognition) helps students to analyse the mass amounts of information available to them and to consider how their own experiences can affect their thought processes. It helps to create a more well-rounded individual that is better suited to create and problem-solve. Critical thinkers are aware of the natural flaws in human thinking and are less likely to fall prey to misinformation.
Many education systems are working to encompass the needs of students and to minimise the impact of assessments yet the structure and reliance on test scores can underpin the process. Removing the fear of being wrong by allowing students to apply their knowledge to what could be possible allows them to build confidence and have greater joy in learning.
Drop Thought Kids Conversation Starters
I wonder...

Is ‘new’ scary or exciting? Can standing up tall give us confidence?

Could dinosaurs live in the deep, deep sea?

Who am I? Boy/Girl? Human/animal? Something/
Critical Thinking Skills

Lesson Plans & Ideas
Easy to follow lesson plans
Suitable for Canada, US and UK curriculums
Complete with worksheets, resource list and materials
Teacher support available
Workshops and Tutorials

Exploring Possibilities
Virtual and in-person.
One thought-provoking question or experience followed by WHOA!
Wonder, experiences and discussions.
Harness the power of research, experimentation, and analysis.
Open up, share opinions, challenge perceptions.
Arrive at a solution, creation, innovative idea...a possibility.
Jada Mei Mathews

In the first addition of the Jada Mei Mathews’ series, Jada and her friends embark on a mission to discover what truly makes a family.
When Jada’s family photo is questioned, her and her friends compare, contrast and consider what is actually needed.
Within a humorous story children are introduced to different family structures and encouraged to consider and celebrate all types of families. By considering possibilities and testing out ideas, they begin to gather and consider what could be possible.
Jada may be adopted and with a single parent but that’s not what makes her family photo unique.
Join Jada, Zuri and Liam as they explore the world of adoption and test out Jada’s Plan: PERFECT.
A Little About Kim
Hello friends,
I am a girl with big dreams. I am a science teacher and a mother who watches and listens to children daily. I recognise their fear of being wrong and their innate curiosity. Their wonderful uniqueness and their self-consciousness as they grow.
I see parents who are concerned for their children and unsure of how best to guide them. They want their children to be academically strong, confident and happy but fear they will not set them up as best as they can.
I see teachers who continually navigate a fast world of development and change. Who may need to compete with the wow and pow of media but who appreciate a calmer classroom. A place where their desire to teach and embed learning is impacted by students’ shorter attention span and administrative requirements.
These concerns I share and understand yet it’s my mission to help lessen them.
I work with children and adults to enjoy the power of learning, to become comfortable with not knowing all the answers, to gather and analyse data, and to be open-minded to change and perspectives. By working alongside the advances in technology to ensure the human voice is heard and that strong communities are encouraged, I endeavour to support and help create confident, knowledgeable and happy critical thinkers.
Let’s work together.

My path didn’t necessarily follow an expected one. At the time, I worried (a bit) and questioned (a lot). I wondered why and analysed my next steps and yet here I am, in the most wonderful place, fascinated by my outcome. And the more I speak to people about their stories, a similar appreciation is evident. Our wonderful and individual lives are unique, but collectively, we love and appreciate our children.
Dear Parents, Teachers and Librarians
Welcome to the world of Drop Thought Kids! Here you will be introduced to the Jada Mei series as well as practical workshops and activities to encourage open discussions and confidence. On these pages you will find resources to download for free and share with the children in your life. There are lesson plans and comprehension questions to guide you through activities with your students. You will also discover Drop Thoughts to explore with your class or to discuss at dinner with your family. This site is designed to open communication and expose children to differences and big ideas without the fear of being wrong. Have fun with the activities on offer and please share your stories with us.